Spawning ground…

In the barrio with my mother and sisters, I write poems by age five. I know, as only a child can know, that art is my destiny. I take the subway downtown to be a dancer and actress. At LaGuardia High School of Music & Art, my pen becomes a cacophonous paintbrush.

After training with visionary artists and companies (U.S. and overseas), I create plays, performance projects, and community art. My creative obsession? Exposing fault lines in America’s history. Raised by a single mother, women’s lives/women’s struggles are my touchstone.

The work…
In the orbit of my plays, the Wright brothers usher in the Century of Flight (DREAMS OF FLIGHT); Hollywood’s It Girl fights sexism and talkies (FINDING CLARA); a California prospector manipulates the mother lode of American capitalism (IN GOLD WE TRUST); a German immigrant challenges the sea and society to become one of America’s first female lighthouse keepers (WOMEN OF THE LIGHT); and an American female soldier, returning home from the Iraq War, makes unthinkable choices after losing hope, faith, and family (ACROSS THE HOLY TELL). Melding fact with fiction, my dramas portray individuals caught – sometimes comically, sometimes tragically – in the intersection of personal dreams and history’s turbulent fissures.
What river runs through my art? A passion for creative substance and a desire to illuminate – and eradicate – real and imagined boundaries that divide us as human beings.
Spawning ground…

In the barrio with my mother and sisters, I write poems by age five. I know, as only a child can know, that art is my destiny. I take the subway downtown to be a dancer and actress. At LaGuardia High School of Music & Art, my pen becomes a cacophonous paintbrush.

After training with visionary artists and companies (U.S. and overseas), I create plays, performance projects, and community art. My creative obsession? Exposing fault lines in America’s history. Raised by a single mother, women’s lives/women’s struggles are my touchstone.

The work…
In the orbit of my plays, the Wright brothers usher in the Century of Flight (DREAMS OF FLIGHT); Hollywood’s It Girl fights sexism and talkies (FINDING CLARA); a California prospector manipulates the mother lode of American capitalism (IN GOLD WE TRUST); a German immigrant challenges the sea and society to become one of America’s first female lighthouse keepers (WOMEN OF THE LIGHT); and an American female soldier, returning home from the Iraq War, makes unthinkable choices after losing hope, faith, and family (ACROSS THE HOLY TELL). Melding fact with fiction, my dramas portray individuals caught – sometimes comically, sometimes tragically – in the intersection of personal dreams and history’s turbulent fissures.
What river runs through my art? A passion for creative substance and a desire to illuminate – and eradicate – real and imagined boundaries that divide us as human beings.
Spawning ground…

In the barrio with my mother and sisters, I write poems by age five. I know, as only a child can know, that art is my destiny. I take the subway downtown to be a dancer and actress. At LaGuardia High School of Music & Art, my pen becomes a cacophonous paintbrush.

After training with visionary artists and companies (U.S. and overseas), I create plays, performance projects, and community art. My creative obsession? Exposing fault lines in America’s history. Raised by a single mother, women’s lives/women’s struggles are my touchstone.

The work…
In the orbit of my plays, the Wright brothers usher in the Century of Flight (DREAMS OF FLIGHT); Hollywood’s It Girl fights sexism and talkies (FINDING CLARA); a California prospector manipulates the mother lode of American capitalism (IN GOLD WE TRUST); a German immigrant challenges the sea and society to become one of America’s first female lighthouse keepers (WOMEN OF THE LIGHT); and an American female soldier, returning home from the Iraq War, makes unthinkable choices after losing hope, faith, and family (ACROSS THE HOLY TELL). Melding fact with fiction, my dramas portray individuals caught – sometimes comically, sometimes tragically – in the intersection of personal dreams and history’s turbulent fissures.
What river runs through my art? A passion for creative substance and a desire to illuminate – and eradicate – real and imagined boundaries that divide us as human beings.